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What to Do If You’ve Suffered Dental Injuries in an Accident

Accidents are unexpected incidents affecting millions of people each year. Accidents are caused by negligence, recklessness, bad weather, carelessness, and random events.

While the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 2.8 million injuries or illnesses affected workers in 2019, another three million people are injured in car accidents annually. Accidents can cause multiple injuries, including spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, lacerations, whiplash, and dental injuries. If you’ve received dental injuries in an accident, use the tips outlined here to ensure you take care of your health and protect your legal rights.

There are several types of dental injuries.

Dental injuries include chipped or fractured enamel or fractured roots. A blow could chip off part of your tooth. The alveolar bone, root, periodontal ligament, and gingiva make up the structures supporting your teeth. Subluxation is a dental injury involving damage to the supporting structures, which can make your tooth loose. Avulsion’s another type of dental injury.

If you’ve experienced an avulsion, your entire tooth’s been removed from the supporting structures. You could also experience a lateral luxation, which means you have an avulsion and a bone fracture. It’s also possible for a tooth to be pushed into one of the supporting bones known as an intrusion.

Dentists and dental specialists can determine the best course of treatment for your injuries.

You should see your dentist immediately if you’ve suffered dental injuries. Serious injuries can make it difficult for you to eat or produce pain when you brush your teeth. You may have difficulty enunciating words without a healthy set of teeth. Your dentist can diagnose catastrophic injuries and refer you to appropriate dental specialists, such as oral surgeons or periodontists, for treatment.

The dental experts with 4M Dental Implants perform dental implant surgery. Their team has years of experience correcting severe injuries, ensuring patients have beautiful teeth that function correctly. Whether you need cosmetic dentistry, full-arch dental implants, or individual dental implants, their specialists can develop a treatment plan appropriate for your dental needs. 4M Dental Implant Center also performs sedation dentistry.

Hiring a personal injury attorney will protect your legal rights.

Hiring a personal injury lawyer is crucial if you’ve received severe injuries in an accident, including a car accident. Personal injury attorneys are legal experts who specialize in personal injury law. They’re familiar with relevant case law that can support your legal case if you opt to pursue a lawsuit against the people responsible for your accident. Google “truck accident attorney Denver” or wherever you’re located to find a reputable personal injury lawyer near you. Look for a lawyer with years of experience because they’ll know how to build the strongest case.

Personal injury attorneys offer a free consult to potential new clients, ensuring you can receive legal guidance before you assume the costs of hiring an attorney. Your personal injury lawyer will fight to ensure you receive total compensation for your medical bills and any property damage you incurred in the accident. Your attorney will also fight for compensation for the pain and suffering stemming from your injuries. You may also be eligible for punitive damages if negligence or recklessness caused the accident. Your attorney will prepare legal paperwork, file legal motions, gather evidence, and negotiate with the insurance companies and responsible parties to ensure you receive a fair settlement.

Dental injuries are serious and can lead to other health issues.

You may think it isn’t necessary to see a dentist if you have a loose tooth or experience pain when brushing your teeth, but minor dental issues can lead to severe health problems. If you’re reluctant to brush all of your teeth and can’t floss due to your injuries, you have a greater risk of developing gum disease or experiencing tooth decay. These dental issues contribute to other health issues, such as brain infections, diabetes, and heart disease. You’re more likely to suffer a stroke if you have gum disease. Incurring the cost of proper dental care can protect your health for years to come.

See your dentist immediately if you’ve suffered dental injuries in an accident. Ensure you receive a comprehensive diagnosis and get the treatment you need. Hire a personal injury attorney to protect your legal interests and fight for compensation for your medical bills.

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