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5 Types of Classes Everyone Should Take

Even though college eventually comes to an end, that doesn’t mean that your education has to. Humans are constantly learning and adapting to the world around us, and taking the initiative and enrolling in courses to learn new skills or reinforce those we already use can encourage us to try new things and might help us learn a few things about ourselves and our passions along the way.

While everyone’s interests and hobbies may vary, we believe that everyone can benefit from taking classes in a few basic areas. To help you figure out which courses of study are best for you, we’ve put together a list of classes that everyone should take at least once in their adult life. You never know when these will come in handy!

1. A Programming Class

If you work for a web-based company, or just want to pad your resume a little, taking a programming class is a wonderful idea. Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the basics of using Python for data science, learning programming helps your thought process when it comes to logic and data analysis, gives you skills to help bring passion projects to life, and keeps your problem-solving skills sharp. Fluency in a programming language and data analysis skills also look great on a resume and can make you stand out from other applicants.

2. CPR and First Aid Classes

If you take any course in your life, it should be a CPR and first aid training class. If you work with children in any capacity you should be CPR and first aid certified in case of an emergency, with infant CPR and first aid being an excellent addition to your knowledge base. But even if you don’t work with infants or children or in the medical field, being CPR certified gives you the skills you need to handle emergencies and helps clear up any misconceptions you might have heard about how to care for someone who’s been injured so that you can properly care for them without injuring them further. Be sure to renew your certification once it expires so you can keep up with any updated methods and avoid being penalized in the workplace.

3. A Language Course

The average natural-born United States citizen only speaks one language — American English. But there are over 400 languages spoken in the United States alone, and even more dialects within those languages. By taking a course to learn even one of the top five foreign languages spoken in the US (Spanish, Mandarin, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Arabic) or learning American Sign Language, you can help close the language barrier just a little bit. Even learning the basics of another language shows that you respect those who speak it and can help tremendously in a pinch.

4. A Self-Defense Course

There’s a common misconception that only women need to learn self-defense, but this simply isn’t true. Besides learning to defend yourself against an attacker, self-defense courses can teach you self respect, keep you physically fit and healthy, and build confidence in areas where it may have been lacking before. Self-defense isn’t just about defending yourself — it’s about being aware enough of your surroundings to know how your body will respond to any unexpected situation.

5. A-Class That Enriches a Hobby

Taking a class as an adult doesn’t have to always be something that will give you a boost in the workplace. Taking a course related to a hobby — one you’re already doing or one you’ve always wanted to try — is a rewarding way to try something new or hone your skills without the pressure of applying those skills to your career. Sites like Udemy have countless classes in every subject from art to literature to music and can be done on your own time. This means no rushing from the office to the community center or feeling guilty if something at work or home comes up and you have to set the course aside for longer than a few days.

Whether you’re looking to take a course for your career or you’re looking for something to learn as a hobby, there are so many resources both online and within your community to get started and help you figure out the best way to learn your new skill. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and learn something new.

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